
Clinical Image

Gangrenous keloid of ear lobe: A clinical image

    A keloid is an abnormal proliferation of scar tissue that forms at the site of cutaneous injury. Keloids are benign dermal fibro proliferative tumors with no malignant potential. A 17-year-old female patient came with complaint of Pedunculated necrosed mass over right ear lobe since 2 days of approx.

Case Report

Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus: A case report

    Mycosis fungoides, a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, has different subtypes. The most common subtype is folliculotropic mycosis fungoides. Although the folliculotropic mycosis fungoides etiology is not fully known, the association with type 1 immunodeficiency virus is scarcely described.

Research Article

Smart dual system - A novel approach for redensification and volumization of face with PEGDE cross-linked hyaluronic acid filler

   Since the late 1990s, hyaluronic acid-based soft tissue fillers have become the preferred choice for tissue augmentation due to their favorable safety profile and minimally invasive nature. Their popularity has surged over the past two decades.

Case Report

Unveiling Sjogren's syndrome: A clinical case of nodular pulmonary amyloidosis

   Sjögren's Syndrome (SS) is rarely associated with pulmonary manifestations, including Nodular Pulmonary Amyloidosis (NPA), a condition often identified incidentally during imaging. Amyloidosis involves the buildup of abnormal proteins in different forms.

Short Commentary

A primer on artificial intelligence combined with medical images in sports

   Artificial Intelligence (AI) based on medical images has shown great potential in disease diagnosis and treatment. In the field of sports, AI combined with medical images has great potential. Using the methods of literature review and logical analysis, this paper examines the development history and current situation of AI+ medical images.

Short Commentary

Spatial distribution of calcium chemical bonds in the intact area of femur under osteoarthritic conditions

   Applying X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to human femur, we see a distinct spatial inhomogeneity in the distribution of Ca2+ bonds not only on the surface of osteoarthritis damaged knee department, but also in the depth of subchondral bone.

Case Report

Doctor, I can't move my arms: Bilateral osteonecrosis of the humeral head

   Osteonecrosis of the humeral head is not as common as that of the femoral head, and its usual clinical manifestations: pain and functional limitation, are common to other diseases that are part of the so-called "painful shoulder". Therefore, in the overall assessment of the shoulder, we must not forget the assessment of this pathology.

Clinical Image

To bleed or to clot? The challenging coagulopathy of liver disease

   Cirrhosis of the liver is complicated by its ability to cause both prothrombotic and antithrombotic changes. Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT) is a common prothrombotic complication of liver cirrhosis which may be complete or partial. Additionally, thrombosis can also involve the mesenteric and splenic veins.

Clinical Image

Expect the unexpected: A subtle appearance of duodenal-type follicular lymphoma

   A 61-year-old Indian male presented to our service for further investigation of his iron deficiency anaemia. He had a background of hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and benign prostate hypertrophy. Laboratory investigations revealed a haemoglobin of 127 grams per litre and a ferritin of 29 micrograms per litre.

Clinical Image

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

    A 46-year-old man, with no comorbidity, presented with chronic digestive troubles for around ten years following acute viral gastroenteritis. These consisted of transit disorders with alternating diarrhea and constipation, but above all very significant bloating responsible for abdominal and lower back pain along with debilitating flatulence and belching.

Letter to Editor

A commentary on "adenovirus-associated uveitis with necrotizing retinitis"

   There is an association between human adenovirus and uveitis, especially among the pathogenesis of uveitis, viral infection is an important contributing factor [1]. The occurrence of uveitis is related with many factors, including infection, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory spread of adjacent tissues, drug side effects, etc.

Case Report

PSMA PET/CT imaging: Unveiling potential incidental Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) with portal vein thrombosis

   The radiopharmaceutical tracer [68Ga] Ga-Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) has gained recognition for its efficacy in prostate cancer staging and detection, primarily via PSMA Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT).

Review Article

Harnessing the power of clinical data in dentistry: Importance and guidelines for dentists in AI modelling for enhanced patient care

   This paper aims to explore the significance of clinical data in the integration of AI technologies into dentistry, highlighting its role in enhancing diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning, and patient care. It also provides guidelines for dentists to effectively harness clinical data for improved dental healthcare.

Review Article

Machine learning-based anatomical segmentation: A systematic review of methodologies and applications

   Image segmentation has established itself as a cornerstone of modern medical imaging practices, achieving state-of-the-art accuracy and playing a pivotal role in critical applications such as pathology diagnosis, treatment planning, tumour segmentation and organ delineation to name a few.

Research Article

Molecular characterization of breast cancer cell lines in correlation with clinical markers

   Cell lines are indispensable for biomedical research, offering a consistent platform for investigating cellular processes and disease mechanisms. Despite their value, cell lines possess limitations such as genetic drift and phenotypic alterations over successive passages, potentially compromising their relevance.

Research Article

Protective effects of pellinus linteus polysaccharides against radiation induced hematopoietic damage in bone marrow of mice

   Chemotherapy and radiation therapy which are standard methods of treatment for various cancers often result in suppression of hematopoiesis accompanied by reduction in the number of hematopoietic stem cells and their progeny.

Case Report

Gall bladder carcinoma masquerading as bouveret syndrome as the initial presentation

   Gallbladder Cancer (GBC) is a rare yet serious condition that often presents diagnostic challenges due to its non-specific symptoms, which are similar to other biliary disorders. Advanced stages of GBC can lead to rare complications like Cholecystoenteric Fistulas (CEF).

Research Article

Immunoglobulin G4-related sclerosing cholangitis

   The purpose of the review is to summarize the clinical features of Immunoglobulin G4-related sclerosing cholangitis. PubMed was searched with the following search terms: "Immunoglobulin G4-related sclerosing cholangitis" "IgG4-SC". Analyze its possible etiology, summarize its clinical features and treatment.

Case Report

A unique case of unresectable metastatic gastric squamous cell carcinoma treated with combined nivolumab and capecitabine/oxaliplatin complicated by immunotherapy induced pure red cell aplasia

   Gastric Squamous Cell Carcinoma is an extremely rare type of gastric cancer, with an incidence of 0.04-0.07% among all gastric cancers [1]. The treatment for this malignancy has focused on surgical resection with adjuvant chemotherapy.

Research Article

Implementation of remote MRI scanning

   The present shortage of MRI technologists continues to interfere with the delivery of care of patients. In addition, there have been limited solutions to cover disability, sickness, vacation, and personal days of that limited workforce.

Short Commentary

Abating the global impact of alcohol-induced liver disease: A call to action

   Alcohol-induced Liver Disease (ALD) is a serious health concern, resulting from progressive liver damage due to chronic alcohol consumption. This chronic exposure triggers inflammation, oxidative stress, and liver cell injuries, culminating in hepatic steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis.

Short Report

Airway leak from incidental esophageal probe placement into the trachea around the endotracheal tube: A case report

   Air leaks in the ventilatory circuit pose a significant challenge in anesthesiology and critical care settings, originating from several common and uncommon causes. In this case report, we highlight an unusual instance of air leakage attributable to the incidental insertion of an esophageal temperature probe into the trachea.

Case Series

Premixed hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite dermal fillers: A new generation of aesthetic injectables case presentation and review of literature

   Dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid, despite being on the market for almost 30 years, remain unflaggingly popular among both doctors and patients.

Short Report

Psychotherapy for surgery-related psychiatric symptoms

   This work aims at giving some insights into the psychological implications of surgery and at proposing psychotherapeutic approaches to mitigate perioperative stress and long-term psychiatric sequelae.

Short Commentary

The effectiveness of "Mexidol" dressings with immobilized enzymes for the treatment of deep burn wounds

   The problem of burns has remained relevant for many decades, despite significant recent advances in the fundamental study and clinical understanding of the pathogenesis of burninjury, the use of new effective medical technologies for its diagnosis and treatment on this basis [1].

Short Report

Acorn traser dual mobility cup: Osseo integration signs

   The use of 3D-printed highly porous titanium acetabular cups is becoming popular in Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) [1,2]. Their porosity mimics that of natural cancellous bone, leading to hopes for more rapid and effective Osseo integration compared to traditional titanium and HA-coated implants [1,2].

Case Report

Unveiling osteoporosis in type 2 diabetes: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

   This case report explores the complex relationship between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and osteoporosis, highlighting the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges encountered. It presents the journey of P.M, a 55-year-old woman with a 10-year history of T2DM, who was initially screened for osteopenia with MOC DEXA.

Case Report

Point-of-care ultrasound in necrotizing pneumonia: A case report in an adult

   A 49-year-old woman returned to the emergency department for respiratory distress and pleuritic chest pain one day after influenza diagnosis. Chest X-ray was consistent with pneumonia.

Case Report

Unveiling the uncommon: Lichenoid esophagitis secondary to Steven Johnson syndrome

   Lichenoid Esophagitis (LE) is a rare pathology characterized by inflammation of the esophagus resembling a lichenoid pattern for which a precise histological diagnosis cannot be established.

Short Report

Ruptured splenic abscess with pneumoperitoneum secondary to chronic pyelonephritis

   Splenic abscesses are relatively uncommon occurrences with autopsy studies estimating the incidence to be between 0.2% to 0.07% [1]. However, the mortality rate from splenic abscesses remains high, especially for immunocompromised patients [2].

Case Report

Missed foreign body falsely interpreted as glass in surgery

   Retained Foreign Bodies (FBs) in soft tissues are typically a complication of open wounds from trauma, accidents, and surgery, for which plenty of patients seek acute medical care.

Case Report

Malignant insulinoma in dog: Case report

   In this case report, a malignant insulinoma is described in a thirteen-year old male dog of the Yorkshire breed. Clinical examination revealed weakness and food intolerance manifested by nausea and diarrhoea. Biochemically, hypoglycaemia with hyperinsulinemia, elevated concentrations of selected liver enzymes

Case Report

Pelvic radiation-induced sarcoma following treatment of cervical cancer

   Post-radiation sarcomas account for 0.5-5.5% of all sarcomas, and include extra skeletal osteosarcoma, fifibrosarcoma leiomyosarcoma, and malignant fifibrous histiocytoma. This article presents a case of a 53-year-old female who developed a mixed-type post-radiation sarcoma three years after radiotherapy for cervical cancer.

Case Report

Atypical presentation of pulmonary embolism masquerading as abdominal pain

   This case report highlights a rare presentation of Pulmonary Embolism (PE) with atypical abdominal pain, emphasizing the challenges in timely diagnosis. A female patient in her early eighties presented with left abdomen pain, initially treated for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), and later accurately diagnosed with PE through Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA).

Short Report

Scout marks the spot: A unique and novel use of wireless localization for retrieval and diagnosis of recurrence of Hodgkin lymphoma in the para-aortic lymph nodes

   Although most patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma will achieve remission, those with advanced disease at diagnosis are at a risk of relapse of 15% to 30% [1,2]. Timing of recurrence of less than or equal to 12 months.

Research Article

Promising use of filgotinib in patients affected by systemic sclerosis: Preliminary data from a case series of 5 patients

   To assess the efficacy and safety of Filgotinib for the management of cutaneous, visceral and articular involvement in patients affected by systemic sclerosis. 5 patients affected by SSc referring to the Scleroderma Units of Modena and Reggio Emilia between October 2021 and February 2023, were enrolled.

Case Report

Persistent hyperprolactinemia in a patient with secondary "empty sella" as a predictive factor of disease relapse

   Pituitary adenomas, recently renamed Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors (PitNET), are benign neoplasms of the adenohypophysis. Among them, prolactinoma represents the most common form. We report a case of hyperprolactinemia initially attributed to pituitary macroadenoma (prolactinoma).

Case Series

Fibro-adipose vascular anomaly: A clinico-radiologic review

   Fibro-adipose vascular anomaly remains in the 'provisionally unclassified' group of the ISSVA classification of vascular anomalies, since being first described in 2014. We present a series of 22 children diagnosed as FAVA, describing the presentation, findings on imaging and treatment strategies at a tertiary care hospital in southern India.

Case Report

Breathlessness and T-wave inversion: Uncovering perfusion defects in apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    A 72-year-old female presents with breathlessness. ECG demonstrated deep T-wave inversion in the praecordial leads. Echocardiogram was limited but demonstrated no obvious impairment in left ventricular systolic function or significant valve dysfunction.

Case Report

First report of an appendiceal perforation caused by a migrated biliary stent after orthotopic liver transplantation

    The overall incidence of biliary strictures in liver transplanted patients is around 13% [1], mostly located at the biliary anastomosis, occurring from 6 to 12% of cases [2]. The first treatment option of anastomotic biliary strictures is the insertion of a plastic or metallic biliary prosthesis with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).

Clinical Image

Herpes zoster in an immunocompetent child: A case image

    Herpes zoster (HZ) results from reactivation of latent varicellazoster virus primary infection (varicella). This condition appears to be less common in children and to have a favorable outcome in immunocompetent children.

Case Report

Choroidal detachment associated with orbital cellulitis: A rare clinical finding

    Orbital cellulitis is an infection involving the ocular adnexal structures posterior to the orbital septum, and can develop secondary to sinus infection, trauma to the eye, local infection of the mouth or face, or spread of periorbital cellulitis.

Clinical Image

Olecranon apophysitis on MR images

    An 11-year-old water-polo male player with no previous history of trauma presented to the emergency department with right elbow pain for the past 3 months. X-ray showed olecranon fragmentation and irregularity (arrow on a).

Research Article

Interobserver variability in assessing treatment response of hepatocellular carcinoma to transarterial chemoembolization: A comparative study of LIRADS TR and mRECIST criteria in South America

    Hepatocarcinoma (HCC) is a major cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality. Transarterial chemoebolization (TACE) is a frequent management strategy in cases of unresectability. The imaging response assessment to treatment is complex and there are different strategies that are not universal and whose performance has not been compared.

Case Report

Closed reduction of posterior hip dislocation with ipsilateral femoral shaft fracture: A case report

    Posterior hip dislocation with ipsilateral femoral shaft fracture is a unique injury pattern that has been reported in the orthopedic literature recently. Manual closed reduction of the posterior hip dislocation is exceedingly difficult due to the inability to gain adequate traction of the distal femur fragment. Therefore, the hip dislocation is most often managed in the operative setting.

Research Article

Feasibility of using airway contrast in the measurement of anastomotic stenosis in lung transplant patients

    The most common airway complication after lung transplantation is airway stenosis. To date, airway stenosis is a subjective measurement i.e. eyeball test. We have published our experience using airway contrast in patients with central airway obstruction.

Case Series

Propofol infusion syndrome (PRIS) in neuropatients: Early initiation of renal replacement therapy: Case series and literature review

    Propofol-Related Infusion Syndrome (PRIS) is a rare, lethal adverse event of propofol, characterized by acute, severe metabolic acidosis, circulatory collapse and finally multiple organ dysfunction. The management of the syndrome consists of immediate discontinuation of propofol and supportive treatment including hemodynamic support, hemodialysis and, in refractory cases, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Review Article

Permanent eustachian tube dysfunction in cabin crew member: Case report and narrative review

    Herein we review the current literature on Eustachian Tubal dysfunction (ETD) in patient submitted to different and rapid pressure change. Our review shows that there no data about this kind of pathology in cabin crew member, there only few data for divers.

Research Article

Synovial fluid proteomics and serum metabolomics reveal molecular and metabolic changes in osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disorder with a complex and multifactorial pathogenesis. Proteomics analysis using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) and mass spectrometry (MS) enables high-throughput identification of differentially expressed proteins related to OA.

Research Article

Case reports of functional adaptation of free fibula grafts in mandibula's, treated with extra short implants

    Pseudotumoral calcinosis (PC) can occur in patients affected by systemic sclerosis (SSc), involving soft tissues, articular and periarticular structures. Here we report a case series of PC in SSc patients presenting pain, articular functional impairment and an overall disability, with a significant reduction of life quality.

Case Series

Massive pseudotumoral calcinosis in patients affected by systemic sclerosis: A case series

    Pseudotumoral calcinosis (PC) can occur in patients affected by systemic sclerosis (SSc), involving soft tissues, articular and periarticular structures. Here we report a case series of PC in SSc patients presenting pain, articular functional impairment and an overall disability, with a significant reduction of life quality.

Research Article

Role of infrared thermography in soft tissue tumors: Diagnostic efficacy and value of distinguishing between benign and malignant lesions

    We evaluate the role of infrared thermography in the study of soft tissue tumors and their ability to distinguish between benign lesions and potentially malignant lesions. 140 adults patients with a soft tissue tumors in limbs have been studied by thermographic images of the affected sid eand the contralateral healthy side.

Short Commentary

Fabry disease: What we should know?

    Fabry disease is a X-linked recessive transmission with mainly involvement of the heart, kidney and brain. Males are affected and females can show the same symptoms but with more slowly progression. Acroparesthesia and Fabry crisis are the first symptoms in the affected patients.

Review Article

An exploratory study of artificial intelligence applications in sports medicine

    In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence has garnered significant global attention, with AI technologies permeating various industries. Particularly, the deep integration of AI with medical and sports has made significant advancements, enhancing the quality of people's lives by providing more high-quality, customized, and personalized sports and health management services.

Case Report

Challenges in primary orbital Ewing sarcoma: A case report

    Primary Orbital Ewing Sarcoma (POES) is an exceptionally uncommon cancer. We present a case study of POES in a young woman that highlights the intricate diagnostic process, therapeutic interventions, and the essential role of a multidisciplinary healthcare team.

Research Article

Paternity leave provision and disparities in hematology and oncology fellowship programs across the United States

    We aimed to analyze the availability and factors associated with paternity leave (PL) in the hematology-oncology fellowship programs across the USA. A total of 176 ACGME-accredited programs were identified using the FREIDATM Database. The data were analyzed using SPSS 26.

Case Report

Radiographic and clinical features of thoracic intradural extramedullary epidermoid tumor: Illustrative case

    Spinal epidermoid tumors are uncommon benign neoplastic lesions arising from heterotopic epidermal rest-cells. These lesions rarely occur in the thoracic region (<0.8%) and can present with symptoms of spinal cord and nerve root compression.

Clinical Image

Xanthoma: Clinical image

    A 53-year-old male with no significant medical history presented with a 15-year history of multiple skin lesions, as depicted in the image. Upon examination, the patient exhibited several subcutaneous masses, including a 7 cm mass on the right elbow with sinus drainage, a 12 cm mass on the left elbow, and multiple masses on the left shoulder, dorsal surfaces of both hands, and fingers.

Research Article

Eye biometry prediction from ultrasound images using convolutional neural networks

    Medical imaging is important in clinical diagnosis and individualized treatment of eye diseases. Ultrasound imaging is one of the most prominent technologies to evaluate the orientations, anomalies and anatomical features of the eye and orbit.

Clinical Image

Unraveling the clot: A pinball left atrial thrombus unveiled in ischemic stroke

    Ischemic stroke, a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, often originates from the occlusion of cerebral blood vessels due to thrombotic formations. Thrombi, typically consisting of aggregated platelets, fibrin, and trapped red blood cells, an vary in composition and morphology.

Case Report

Early symptoms and signs of bony and brain lesions associated with hyperhomocysteinemia: Evidence with scintigraphic images of skeleton and brain

    Elevated homocysteine level in serum or hyperhomocysteinemia is considered to be closely associated with neurological disorders such as stroke and cardiovascular diseases. However, to date, there have been limited studies on symptoms specifically associated with elevated homocysteine levels, resulting in infrequent diagnosis of hyperhomocysteinemia before patients experience a stroke or develop cardiovascular disease.

Case Report

Hemorrhagic cholecystitis causing an intrahepatic subcapsular hematoma: Case report and review of the literature

    Hemorrhagic cholecystitis is a very rare condition. It can present very different clinical symptoms. It often occurs as a complication of cholecystitis. These patients are usually under anticoagulant therapy or they have coagulopathy.

Case Report

Megalencephalic leucoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts: A cause of early seizures after trivial head trauma

    Megalencephalic Leucoencephalopathy with subcortical Cysts (MLC) is a rare autosomal recessive disease with onset in infancy. Typically, the first symptom is macrocephaly which becomes evident in the first year of life [1-3]. After several years, usually within the first decade of life, slowly progressive ataxia, pyramidal signs, mild cognitive impairment and sporadic seizures complete the phenotype.

Clinical Image

Bladder jackstone induced by prostate cancer

   A 73- years-old man was referred to emergency department with bilateral flank pain and new-onset hematuria. He had a history of prostatic cancer and recurrent urinary tract infections. On physical examination, there was tenderness and an enlarged lower abdomen over the suprapubic region.

Case Report

A rare case of hydralazine-induced diffuse alveolar hemorrhage

   Hydralazine-induced anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody vasculitis may occur any time after hydralazine initiation. General internists should recognize diffuse alveolar hemorrhage as a rare complication of this condition, as early treatment reduces the associated high risk of mortality.

Short Report

Neurosarcoidosis leading to a rosary-like pattern

   We present a case of a 12-year-old patient suffering from progressive spastic paraparesis secondary to multiple contrast-enhancing ependymal spinal cord lesions. The patient has been presenting varied symptoms: patellar hyperreflexia, urinary and fecal incontinence without sensory disorder, motor deficit in the right lower limb, posterior uveitis with retinal vasculitis

Case Report

Cholesteatoma of petrous bone: Auditory improvement with surgical treatment novel application of the posterior retrosigmoid approach

   Petrous Bone Cholesteatomas (PBCs) are epidermoid cysts, which have developed in the petrous portion of the temporal bone and may be congenital or acquired. There are different types according to Sanna's classification. Our case represents a type IV surgically treated with a retrosigmosid approach, very infrequently used, with postoperative audiometry improvement.

Clinical Image

Body stalk anomaly

   A 29-year-old pregnant woman was referred to our hospital at the gestational age of 15 weeks. The umbilical cord hernia was pointed out during a fetal echocardiogram at the previous obstetrician's office, and the patient was referred to our obstetrician. An MRI scan of the fetus was performed at 30 weeks and 3 days after conception, and showed intra-abdominal organ prolapse, right kidney defect, right lower limb defect, and flexion deformity of the spinal column (Figure 1).

Case Report

Importance of the detection of genetic diseases associated with cardiovascular risk in pediatric age

   Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a disease with a homozygous or heterozygous autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. It is characterized by high plasma concentrations of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. It can lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries and proximal aorta at a young age, increasing the risk of premature cardiovascular events such as angina and acute myocardial infarction.

Clinical Image

Asymptomatic presentation of a rare disease: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis

   Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disorder involving young female patients. We present a 35 years old female who presented to the emergency room for abdominal pain due to ureteral stone. Imaging study incidentally found pneumothorax as well as cystic lung disease. Further workup confirmed this to be LAM

Clinical Image

Unexpected intruder: Talaromyces marneffei focal brain lesions in newly diagnosed AIDS

   A-30-year-old Chinese man presented to the emergency department with a history of 1-week worsening confusion, urinary incontinence and lower limbs weakness inducing inability to walk. His history was silent, except for a recent trip to southern China.

Research Article

Imaging perfusion using hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI and [15O]- water PET: Current status and future clinical applications

   Inhaled hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI is a non-invasive imaging technique for assessing lung structure and function. Not only within lung, 129Xe MRI has proven to be effective for functional and structural imaging of the brain and other organs.

Research Article

Performance of different diagnostic methods for caries detection: A microtomographic and histological study

   Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the performance of visual and imaging macroscopic methods in detecting caries, using histological examination and micro-CT images as the gold standard.

Case Report

Rostral migration of cauda equina schwannoma: Case report and literature review

   A case of mobile schwannoma of the cauda equina migrating from L3 body to L2-L3 disc level in a period of 9 months is reported. This rare occurrence must be taken into account by the Neurosurgeon in order to avoid further exploratory laminectomy and durotomy after the initial negative dural incision.

Review Article

Infections in burn patients: Literature review

   Burns are one of the most common and devastating types of trauma. Patients suffering from severe thermal injury require immediate specialized care to reduce morbidity and mortality. Significant thermal injuries cause immunosuppression, which predisposes burn patients to infectious complications.

Case Report

Baylisascaris procyonis infection of the pediatric brain and spine: Neuroimaging findings

   Baylisascaris procyonis is a type of intestinal roundworm that may infect the Central Nervous System (CNS) resulting in severe and lasting neurologic symptoms and possibly death. Few reports have presented the CNS imaging findings in children. This case report presents the initial, acute and follow up brain and spine imaging findings in an 18 month old boy with confirmed Baylisascaris procyonis infection.

Case Report

Developmental venous malformation: A "Do-Not-Touch'' lesion

   The most common slow-flow venous malformation in the brain are Developmental Venous Anomalies (also known as DVAs). The vast majority of DVAs are harmless, while seldom they can become symptomatic, leading to a variety of pathologies. DVAs can vary greatly in size, location, and angio-architecture. Imaging evaluation is the best tool in evaluating these types of lesions when they become symptomatic.

Research Article

Acceptance of the new World Health Organisation antenatal care model among women in urban health facilities in Chipata district of Eastern Zambia: A cross sectional study

   Background: Zambia adopted the recommended new World Health Organisation (WHO) antenatal care (ANC) model which requires a minimum of eight contacts; one contact in the first trimester, two contacts in the second trimester and five contacts in the third trimester.

Case Report

Acute abdomen revealing bilateral retroperitoneal paragangliomas: A case report

   Background: Paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors that develop from chromaffin cells derived from the embryonic neural crest. Results: We report a unique case of a 23-year-old female patient who presented to the emergency department with an acute abdomen. The clinical examination revealed severe hypertension, diffuse abdominal tenderness without defensiveness or contracture.

Research Article

Doctor-in-the-loop system for feature selection and weighting for AFib classification

   Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) is the most common sustained arrhythmia, which causes significant morbidity and mortality among the population. AFib is strictly associated with other heart problems and can drastically increase the risk of transient ischemic attack, strokes, and heart failure. Various common risk factors, such as diabetes, hypertension, smoking, age, obesity, hyperlipidemia, and others, are common in patients with AFib.

Clinical Image

Genital warts in Human papillomavirus (HPV): A clinical image

   Genital warts are seen on or near the vagina or penis. These are usually sexually transmitted. They are caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus). Warts usually develop over a few months, but they may show up years later. Warts can be on or near the vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, scrotum, or anus and spread through vaginal, oral, or anal sex or close sexual

Case Report

Change in tear film parameters in a patient with Fabry disease undergoing enzyme replacement treatment (ERT): Case Report

   Fabry disease is a rare X-linked lysosomal storage disease caused by an inherited defect of alpha-galactosidase a enzyme, resulting in progressive renal failure, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular changes. The most frequent ocular manifestations are typical opacities of the cornea and lens and tortuosity of the conjunctival and retinal veins.

Case Report

Immunologic-allergic corneal infiltrate in atopic patient undergoing multidrug topical treatment for POAG: Diagnostic and therapeutic management

   The authors present a case of ocular surface inflammation, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), and marginal corneal ulcers that occurred in atopic patient with multitherapy topical treatment for POAG with products preserved with BAK. Restoration of ocular surface equilibrium was obtained by suspending all previously used drugs and using less toxic ocular hypotensive agents, and treating MGD with associated dry eye syndrome; low-dose hydrocortisone was administered after performing a conjunctival swab to rule out ongoing infections.

Clinical Image

Schwannoma of the hand

   A 67-year-old lady presented with a slowly enlarging soft tissue mass on her left palm, at 4th metacarpal bone level (Figure 1). She first discovered the mass about a year ago and wanted it resected due to discomfort. There was no other symptom accompanied. A bean-sized mass under the skin was palpated, relatively fixed and firm.

Clinical Image

Subungual glomus tumor: Clinical image

   A 55-year-old female with a painful, solitary subcutaneous nodule in the subungual area of her right thumb was admitted. A strip of onycholysis was identified on distal part of the nail of the thumb, but no discoloration in the nail was found (Figure 1A). The pain was caused by pressure, and occurred as cold intolerance.

Case Report

Staged surgical excision of a premaxillary plexiform schwannoma causing nasal obstruction and deformity

   While schwannomas of the head and neck are not uncommon, plexiform type schwannomas are rare with very few nasal cases described in the literature. We present a case of plexiform type schwannoma of the nasal tip and premaxilla that caused functional impairment of nasal breathing, upper lip dysmotility, and cosmetic deformity.

Case Report

Recognizing acquired hemophilia A as a cause of subdural hemorrhage and use of thromboelastography to guide management in neurocritical care unit

   Acquired Hemophilia A (AHA) is caused by development of auto-antibodies against factor VIII. It is a rare disorder with a prevalence of 1.5 per million-year and is important to identify as a potential etiology of intracranial hemorrhage. as perniosis, CHLE presents with tender, reddish-blue papules, nodules, or plaques on the toes, fingers, nose, or ears precipitated by cold exposure.

Short Report

Chilblain lupus erythematous- A rare encounter

   Chilblain lupus erythematosus is a rare, chronic variant of cutaneous lupus erythematosus that occurs during cold or damp periods on the hands, fingers, or feet. It is often associated with other forms of cutaneous lupus. Like idiopathic chilblains such as perniosis, CHLE presents with tender, reddish-blue papules, nodules, or plaques on the toes, fingers, nose, or ears precipitated by cold exposure.

Case Report

Laser excision of congenital epulis in an one-year-old infant: A case report with 6-months follow-up

   Congenital epulis are present at birth and might maintain the same size or grow slowly. They are more often reported within first month after birth are more commonly reported in female infants. In this article, a rare instance of a congenital giant cell fibroma in a male infant is described, who reported to consulting after one year of age.

Research Article

UCP2 45bp Ins/Del gene polymorphism in association with overweight and obesity: A meta-analysi.

   Uncoupling protein (UCP) is a mitochondrial inner-membrane protein that is involved in energy homeostasis. In human tissues, UCP2 is widely expressed, acts as an uncoupling agent for oxidative phosphorylation, and is involved in the regulation of metabolism and ATP production

Research Article

By fusing radiomics and deep transfer learning features development of a predictive model for infected stones in the upper urinary tract

    Objective: The aim of this study is to develop a prediction model for upper urinary tract infective stones by a machine learning approach at to provide a basis for decision making for the assisted diagnosis and personalized treatment of upper urinary tract infective stones in vivo.

Research Article

Image segmentation and processing for real-time detection of oral mucosal lesions using an in-house developed fluorescence imaging device

    Objective: In the present study, detection of oral mucosal lesions using an in-house developed fluorescence imaging portable device on three groups of patients is reported. hreshold-based segmentation and image processing of fluorescence images have been executed for the identification of cancerous lesions in the affected area of oral mucosa in real time.

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Esophageal plexiform fibromyxoma: An unusual localization

    Plexiform Fibromyxoma (PF) is an infrequent mesenchymal tumor of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI). The reported incidence of PF relative to GI Stromal Tumor (GIST) is estimated 1.7% over a time of 20 year [1].

Case Report

Decidual cast severe pelvic pain mimics acute appendicitis in an adolescent girl

    Background: Decidual Cast is a reaction to hormonal medications resulting in the formation of a cast taking the shape of the uterine cavity. Its incidence is unknown; however, it is usually associated with heavy menstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhoea and pelvic pain.

Research Article

Detection of heavy metals and micronutrients from vaccinium macrocarpon and piper cubeba

    Many plants in this world are an important source to provide health facilities. Due to curing properties, these plants are used as medicines to cure different ailments. There are many plants, animals, and human bodies which contain micronutrients and heavy metals.

Research Article

Comparison of double contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced computed tomography in preoperative TNM stages of gastric cancer

    China accounts for about 40% of new cases of Gastric Cancer (GC) in the world every year. Preoperative TNM stages (gastric wall invasion, lymph node metastasis, and distant organ metastasis of gastric tumors) of GC patients are important to develop a correct therapeutic strategy. The comparison between values of Double Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography (DCEUS) and contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) in preoperative TNM stages of gastric cancer has been explored

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The "Dagger Sign": A classic sign in abdominal radiology

    Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is one of the seronegative spondyloarthropathies, a group of inflammatory spine conditions that are characterized by similar clinical features but with variable immunological markers. AS has been linked to the HLA-B27 subtype of MHC class I molecules, and most commonly presents in men in their 20s. This condition can cause a significant amount of pain, but treated with NSAIDs is often first line.

Research Article

Reconstruction of posttraumatic facial defects

    The aim of surgical treatment is to restore both function and form and minimise the need for further interventions. Facial trauma is frequent associated with other injuries and a multidisciplinary approach must be required to establish the therapeutic plan (plastic surgeons, dermatologists, ophthalmologists and otorhinolaryngologists). Nasal trauma and fractures are some of the most frequent injuries in facial surgery practice.

Research Article

Bacterial contamination of surfaces in the surgical rooms at Al-Mak Nimer University Hospital, Shendi Town- Sudan, 2023

    Bacterial contamination in surfaces at surgical rooms is one of the most life-threatening sources of infection acquired in hospitals for patients. The study was conducted at El-Mak Nimer University Hospital in Shendi town from the beginning of October 2022 to January 2023 to isolate and identification of pathogenic bacteria in the surgical site environment.

Case Report

Cerebral radionecrosis following skin epidermoid carcinoma's irradiation: A case report

    Cerebral Radionecrosis is a rare but severe, iatrogenic complication, which occurs in a long period after the cerebral area's irradiation. Indeed, it usually affects radiotherapy-treated patients more than 6 months after the treatment. This phenomenon's pathophysiology is not entirely elucidated yet but radionecrosis is caused by vascular and glial lesions involving the immune system.

Review Article

Study of SARS-Cov-2 using microscopy: Microscopy and its uses in challenging times

    The humanity has witnessed a new virus called SARS-CoV-2 (also called as COVID-19) that emerged in 2019 causing the pandemic and killing millions of people throughout the world. This pandemic provided a powerful boost for the development of methods not only for diagnosis and treatment but also for basic studies on this COVID-19 virus. Microscopy is well known technique to understand the sub-cellular structures with great resolution.

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Left atrial myxoma obstructing mitral valve orifice

    A 66-year-old man complained of dyspnea on exertion associated with occasional palpitation for several weeks. There was no chest pain nor syncope. The physical examination was unremarkable. He has a history of rapid atrial fibrillation which was converted to sinus rhythm with intravenous Amiodarone infusion. An Electrocardiogram (ECG) showed sinus rhythm with no ST-T changes.

Research Article

Bevacizumab (Avastin) in treatment of maculopathy secondary to Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) in Afghanistan

    To investigate the efficacy of intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy in the treatment of maculopathy secondary to Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) in Afghanistan. A retrospective analysis was conducted of all PDR cases that underwent intravitreal anti-VEGF injection at the four leading hospitals in Kabul. The main outcome measures were visual acuity, and central retinal thickness as determined by optical coherence tomography. Information was also collected on the distance travelled by each patient and frequency of injections.

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Mini-series of variety of giant renal calculi associated with pelviureteric junction obstruction and hypoganglionosis

    A 40-year-old male patient from rural area who was diagnosed with mild pelviureteric junction hydronephrosis and congenital colorectal motility disorder with chronic constipation since infancy treated conservatively presented with right loin pain and plain abdominal radiograph showed a giant right renal calculus, ultrasound and MAG3 scans confirmed mild pelviureteric junction obstruction with equal function on both sides.

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Giant breast lipoma in a lactating mother simulating lactational carcinoma or a sarcoma

    A 30-year-old tribal lactating mother complaining of rapidly growing and painless mass at the outer aspect of her right breast in the axillary tail area for the last couple of months. Examination showed the patient was systemically well, no weight loss, with overall good general condition. A huge pedunculated soft neoplasm with some lobulation, prominent vessels and an ulcerated area at the bottom was situated over the axillary tail area of her right breast.

Review Article

Transcription factors in abnormal metabolism and inflammatory of NAFLD

    Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) affects 25% of the adult population worldwide and is a major contributor to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In recent years, there is a growing number of research support the idea that NAFLD is not just a disease that is limited to the hepatocytes, but is associated with several extrahepatic manifestations.

Research Article

Risk factors and therapeutic options for postoperative intra-abdominal septic complication in Crohn's disease

    Approximately 70% of patients suffering from Crohn's disease require surgery in their lifetime. The postoperative course is complex, with higher complication rates compared to major colorectal surgery and with a high incidence of Intra-Abdominal Septic Complications (IASC). We aimed to assess risk factors for IASC in CD patients and evaluate whether patients' prognosis is affected by different treatment strategies through a literature review.

Short Report

Fetus in fetu: A case report and literature review

    Fetus in fetu is a very rare condition, with a reported incidence of one in 500,000 live births. It most likely represents a monozygotic twin that implants itself and grows within the body of its normal karyotypically identical sibling. Fetus in fetu is often overlooked in the differential diagnosis of an abdominal mass. The increasing use of routine obstetric ultrasound has identified more cases during the antenatal period.

Case Report

Metastatic uveal melanoma complete response with nivolumab: A case report

    Uveal Melanoma (UM) is a rare subtype of melanoma that progresses to metastatic disease in more than 50% of patients. After metastasis develops, the average survival is between 4-15 months. The contribution of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death protein -1 (PD-1) targeted immune checkpoint inhibitors to Overall Survival (OS) is limited.

Research Article

Prevalence of hypertension and its associated factors among civil servants in Antsokiya Gemza Wereda, North East Ethiopia, 2021

    Hypertension is one of the most common diseases afflicting humans throughout the world. The prevalence of hypertension is also on the rise in developing countries and as there is a change in the lifestyle associated with urbanization including sedentary lifestyle, smoking, obesity, high fat, and energy diet, and the associated increased prevalence of Diabetes mellitus. Because of the associated morbidity and mortality and the cost to society, hypertension is an important public health challenge.

Research Article

Macroglossia as the first clinical manifestation of systemic amyloidosis associated with multiple myeloma and a literature review

    To report a case of systemic amyloidosis manifested as macroglossia and summarize review its current literature. First, we retrieved patient's disease data from the West China Hospital, Sichuan University, electronic medical record system. For the literature review, we searched Cochrane, Web of Science, PubMed, and EMBASE for relevant articles published from January 1, 1947, to December 31, 2020.

Case Report

Dysphagia after IV ventricular tumor resection surgery: A case report

    We present the case of a patient with a fourth ventricle neoplastic lesion that presented with no clinical alterations in swallowing nor in other cranial nerves functions. After surgery (gross total resection), nosocomial dysphagia was misrecognized, causing two failed extubation attempts. Dysphagia, along with lack of airway protection and absence of cough reflex, also proved to be the main deficit that kept the patient hospitalized in the ICU for a longer time.

Case Report

Reversible azathioprine-induced myelodysplastic syndrome

    Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is an irreversible hematopoietic stem cell disorder. Azathioprine can rarely induce MDS, which portends poor prognosis and short survival. We report a unique case of azathioprine induced MDS that was completely reversed with discontinuation of azathioprine. A 59-year-old woman with history of neuromyelitis optica treated with azathioprine for 2 years presented with low grade fever and fatigue.

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Osteosarcoma: Clinical image

    A 17-year-old man complaining of aggressive and painful mass at the left thigh was admitted. Examination displayed the patient was in dreadfully pale complexion, with poor vitality and nutrition (166 cm in height, and 43 kg in body weight). A huge globose soft neoplasm (35 cm in diameter) was located above the knee joint, accompanied by engorged vein, tension blister and partially necrotic crust on its surface. Blood test showed he was in serious cachexia (29 g/L of hemoglobin and 23 g/L of albumin.

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Intracellular hemozoin pigments and merozoites in severe Plasmodium falciparum cerebral malaria

    A 40-year-old Chinese male returning from Ethiopia presented to the emergency department with a two-week history of low-grade fever and generalized convulsions. This led to a sustained coma with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 3/15 and decerebrate rigidity. Because his laboratory findings were characterized by severe thrombocytopenia and anemia, we immediately proceeded with a smear review.

Research Article

Evaluation of hospital admissions of cancer patients in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospectıve study

    Despite advances in science and technology, one of the most important mortality problems in the world is cancer. It is stated that the prevalence of cancer has increased due to reasons such as technological innovations in diagnostic methods, easier access to health institutions, and prolongation of life expectancy. This study was conducted retrospectively to evaluate some demographic characteristics of patients diagnosed with cancer and COVID-19 who were hospitalized in a pandemic hospital.

Short Commentary

The role of virtual reality in art therapy to mitigate autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms

    Traditional art therapy sessions are designed for face-to-face engagement with patients as with other mental health services such as counseling. However, the pandemic of 2019 severely limited access to these services and, initially, led to widespread cancelation and postponement until the nature of COVID-19 could be better understood. When treatment resumed, video conferencing was the preferred method of holding therapy sessions one-on-one to diagnose patients and provide services.

Short Commentary

Morphological anomalies of blood cells in COVID-19 patients

    Since March 2020, the laboratory's workflow has been significantly modified and implemented to address the pandemic. Molecular as well as morphological features of blood cells are currenctly being investigated for the COVID-19 disease characterization. In the present study we aimed to show the morphological features of blood cells in COVID-19 patients. In the first and second waves, molecular diagnosis was carried out by Multiplex rRT-PCR from nasopharyngeal swabs.

Review Article

Pharmacological and alternative interventions for osteoporosis

    Bone is a dynamic organ and plays crucial role in maintaining skeletal functions. The maintenance of bone is a continuous process also known as remodeling. There is a well regulated interplay between bone cells and physiological system to maintain healthy bones. This remodeling process gets disturbed because of multiple factors such as hormonal imbalance, ageing, secondary diseases, lifestyle modifications and genetic disorders.

Case Report

Evaluation of carotid plaque vulnerability with different echoes by shear wave elastography and CEUS

    To examine carotid plaques with different echoes by Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) and Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS), and to investigate reliable methods to quantify the characteristics associated with carotid vulnerable plaques, providing an important basis for quantitative assessment of plaques. 2D ultrasound, SWE and CEUS were performed on 244 carotid plaques, and the echoes were evaluated according to the Gray-Weale classification scale and Gray-Scale Median (GSM).

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Mesenteric panniculitis: Imaging is the key

    Mesenteric panniculitis is a rare disease, characterized by the association to a variable degree of inflammation, necrosis and sclerosis. It is characterized by a thickening and shortening of the mesentery. The pathophysiology remains debated with a poor and non-specific clinic. The diagnosis can be evoked by CT scan. Medical treatment, when indicated, is based on anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs, while surgery is reserved for the treatment of complications.

Case Report

Heart failure heralded by hip pain: A case of cobalt cardiomyopathy after hip arthroplasty

    The 2021 European Society of Cardiology guidance on heart failure lists metal toxicity as one of the rare causes of cardiomyopathy, citing iron and copper as examples. Another trace metal element that can induce a rapid-onset form of cardiomyopathy is cobalt. When released into the systemic circulation at excessive levels, this bivalent nanoparticle can cause neuronal and cardiomyocyte damage.

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Sprengel deformity

    Sprengel Deformity (SD), characterized by elevated and hypoplastic scapula, though rare, is the commonest congenital shoulder anomaly [1]. Affected patients face functional limitations (reduced range of movements at the shoulder), aesthetic concerns (asymmetric shoulder contours), and associated anomalies (congenital scoliosis and chest wall abnormalities).

Case Report

Cord compression due to atypical T-cell lymphoma from paraspinal soft tissue: Report of a case

    During lymphoma's natural history of the disease, 5-10% of cases may develop Central Nervous affectation. A 57-years-old man with less than 24 hours of onset symptoms of paraparesis, lower limb hypoesthesia, and sphincter dysfunction was operated due to dorsal tumor with an epidural component which caused severe cord compression.

Short Report

Intrasellar arachnoid cyst, a rare radiological finding: Report of a case

    Intrasellar arachnoid cysts are uncommon radiological findings, generally incidental and clinically silent. We present the case of 70 year-old female who was treated of meningitis due to cerebrospinal fluid nasal fistulae. She was diagnosed of intrasellar arachnoid cyst and managed conservatively because no neurologic, hormonal, symptomatic either CSF fistulae appeared during follow-up.

Research Article

Efficacy and safety of docetaxel as first line therapy in high-risk hormone sensitive metastatic prostate cancer patients

    To report the survival benefit, the course of disease and side effects in high-risk patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) treated with first-line docetaxel. Retrospective observational study in which we analyzed patients with mHSPC treated with first-line docetaxel at National Center for Tumor disease (NCT) Heidelberg between 2014 and 2019. Data were retrieved from the NCT electronical patient charts.

Case Report

A rare case of heterotopic gastric mucosa of the rectum with complete intestinal metaplasia highlighting the utility of molecular microsatellite testing in diagnostic corroboration

    Heterotopic gastric mucosa (HGM) is common in the esophagus but exceedingly rare in other sites. Only 73 cases of HGM of the rectum have been described in the literature. Here, we present a 32-year-old patient who underwent colonoscopy for persistent abdominal pain, wherein a lesion ultimately described as rectal HGM was discovered. Biopsy tissue was exclusively composed of gastric mucosa, raising concern for preanalytical error by sample mix-up.

Case Report

The importance of multidisciplinary treatment of popliteal artery injury after knee dislocation with rupture of both cruciate ligaments and both collateral ligaments: A case report

    We present the case of a young patient who was admitted with a dislocation of the right knee with multiligament injury. Further examination revealed a rupture of the popliteal artery after a torsion trauma. The purpose of this report is to underline the importance of a timely diagnosis and how teamwork can lead to excellent results. Popliteal artery injury is a rare and subtle complication of post traumatic knee dislocation.

Case Report

Immune checkpoint inhibitors to metastatic melanoma and renal allograft rejection: A case report

    A male patient who underwent a pre-emptive renal allograft and, nine years after the transplant, was diagnosed with nodular melanoma in the left shoulder, developing a few months later metastases. After two cycles of combined therapy with anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA4, the patient was confirmed with acute rejection of the transplanted kidney allograft. A review and discussion about renal allograft rejection and the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors to metastatic melanoma is reported.

Short Report

Metastatic NUT midline carcinoma

    NUT Midline Carcinoma (NMC) is a rare carcinoma that presents with rearrangement to the NUTM1 (NUT) gene. NMC predominately affects adolescents and young adults with a median age of approximately 24. Mostly reported in pathology and oncology literature, this highly lethal cancer with a median survival time of diagnosed patients is nine months and presumably under recognized for varying undifferentiated neoplasms.

Case Report

With a grain of salt; A cautionary reminder. A case report of osmotic demyelination syndrome

    Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome (ODS) is a demyelinating disease typically seen in the central pons, often associated with a rapid correction of hyponatraemia. This case describes iatrogenic central pontine and extrapontine demyelination secondary to rapid correction of hyponatraemia in a 45-year-old man with a history of chronic alcohol misuse and malnutrition.

Case Report

Bilateral nephrectomy for severe nephrotic syndrome in systemic AA amyloidosis

    Systemic amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis is an uncommon complication of Crohn's disease. The natural history is of nephrotic syndrome and progressive renal failure. A 58-year old man with a 36-year history of Crohn's disease presented with nephrotic syndrome. A diagnosis of AA amyloidosis was established, proteinuria progressed to 54 g per day and ESKD ensued.

Research Article

Suturing, tensile strength during clinical application

    Periodontal suturing is one of the sutures that beyond the basic purpose of fixing the lips of the lembo need the aesthetic and delicate effect of the clinical application on the lips of the wound. The study is of experimental type with the primary purpose of assessing the attractive force of the suture applied to the soft tissues of the mouth. Depending on the type of suture used, the attractive force is estimated, how much and to what extent, the type of suture stands against the tear forces of the wound lips.

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When gut microbiota escape the barrier

    A 41-year-old man was admitted to the internal medicine ward for acute cholestatic hepatitis. Eight months earlier, in the context of a wasting syndrome, he was diagnosed with stage C3 HIV associated with disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAC) infection. At the time, antiretroviral therapy including emtricitabine, tenofovir alafenamide, and darunavir.

Case Report

Juvenile dermatomyositis in a child with calcinosis and joint ankylosis

    Dermatomyositis is a multi-system autoimmune disorder primarily affecting the skin, skeletal muscle and blood vessels. Among dermatomyositis, Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM) is rare. It affects two to four children per million per year. The average onset is in the 7th to 8th year of life, with a slight preference for the female gender. Herein, we describe a case of JDM in a girl with calcinosis cutis and joint ankylosis.

Case Report

The "starry night" sign in sarcoidosis

    Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease of unknown etiology that can cause organ dysfunction. It is most common in young adults between 20 and 50 years of age and in certain races: Swedes, Danes and African-Caribbeans. Approximately 4% to 10% of patients have a first-degree relative with sarcoidosis. The disease is diagnosed by protean radiographic, clinical and histopathologic findings.

Case Report

When a normal newborn screen is not normal

    Ornithine Transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency-an X-linked disorder-is the most common urea cycle defect in infancy and often presents with elevated ammonia. A 2-month-old with a normal newborn screen presented with feeding difficulties. The patient was incorrectly diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux, which at 4 months progressed to recurrent vomiting.

Case Report

Co-occurrence of myasthenia gravis and demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system: A case report and review

    Myasthenia gravis and demyelinating diseases are disorders that affect the neuromuscular junction and the central nervous system respectively. Although both conditions are rare, reports of the coexistence of these two pathologies are increasing. We describe one patient with MG develop relapsing and remitting demyelinating diseases after thymectomy.

Case Report

Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of heart failure: A case study

    Heart Failure (HF) is one of the most common diseases with the aging of population, that indicates the need for innovative strategies for more effective prevention and treatment. We herein describe a 81-year old male patient with HF, heart and kidney Yang deficiency, and who underwent Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Case Report

Hepatic visceral larva migrans diagnosed clinically as cholangiolocarcinoma

    Hepatic visceral larva migrans is diagnosed mainly on symptoms, mass appearance, laboratory data, and other visceral findings. A 36-year-old male was referred to our hospital for a liver mass suspected of being malignant. A single 30 mm low-echo mass with sharply defined vessel penetration in the middle was subsequently diagnosed clinically as cholangiolocarcinoma.

Case Report

Double chambered right ventricle with perimembranous defect and severe aortic aneurism: A case in an adult patient

    Double-chambered right ventricle (DCRV) is a rare congenital heart disease characterized by the division of the right ventricular cavity into two chambers by anomalous muscle bundles. DCRV is usually diagnosed at childhood. We report a case of an adult patient.

Case Series

Effect of Thai Tok Sen therapy on upper trapezius muscle thickness from ultrasonographic evidence

    Typical signs and symptoms with pain, muscle spasm or taut band, and trigger point with referred pain to the head are mostly found in the upper shoulder area of people who suffered from office syndrome. Although there have various medical treatments, the efficacy of results was controversy results because of different techniques and treatment programs.

Case Report

Atraumatic acromioclavicular joint dislocation: A case report and review of the literature

    Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) is a common injury after trauma affecting the shoulder. Contrary, atraumatic dislocation is a very rare condition with only 5 previous cases reported on literature. This paper reports a 15-year-old female presenting painful dislocation with spontaneous reduction of the right ACJ that forced her to temporarily dropped her previous sports career.

Research Article

Serum levels of stromal cell derived factor-1/CXC chemokine receptor 4 and its clinical value in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus accompanied by osteoarthritis

    To detect the clinical biochemical index and serum concentration changes of Stromal Cell Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) associated osteoarthritis (OA) and explore the correlation between these factors and the clinical morbidity of T2DM associated OA and its role in the disease.

Case Report

Medical mystery. Deposition of calcium oxalate and phosphate stones in soft tissues: A case of cutaneous stone calciphylaxis?

    Calcinosis cutis (CC) [1] is an unusual disorder characterized by calcium-phosphate deposition into cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues. There are five subtypes: dystrophic, metastatic, idiopathic, iatrogenic and calciphylaxis. Calciphylaxis or calcifying pannucilitis is defined as small vessel calcification mainly affecting blood vessels of dermis and sub-cutaneous fat.

Research Article

Trends in medical artificial intelligence publications from 2000-2020: Where does radiology stand?

    Radiology is often identified as a field well-suited for AI integration due to its intimate relationship with informatics and reliance on digital imaging, but applications of medical AI are not limited to radiology. Submissions of AI tools for FDA approval have increased each year since 2012, and although the majority are radiology related, there are over 100 patents of FDA approved algorithms with applications in Pathology.

Case Report

Very Early-onset Schizophrenia With A Complicated Course

    Psychosis is the third most debilitating disorder among adolescents worldwide. Very early-onset schizophrenia (VEOS), before age 13, is extremely rare, with a frequency of 1/10,000. Its clinical appearance, course, and outcome are distinct from early-onset (years 13-18) and adult-onset (ages 18 and up) schizophrenia. It is linked to poor treatment response, a worse prognosis, and frequent hospitalizations.

Case Report

Atlantoaxial subluxation of the C1/C2 vertebrae in the pediatric patient: A case study

    A nine-year-old male presenting with neck pain and head tilt was referred for neurosurgical evaluation. According to the referring pediatrician, the head tilt and torticollis had persisted for the previous three weeks. Of note, a prodromal upper respiratory viral illness was reported, with erythema of the left mastoid area that had resolved after a few days of conservative management.

Research Article

Knowledge and perception of university students on drug Abuse in Delta State, South-South, Nigeria

    Drug is an essential part of health care services yet their misuse and/or abuse constitutes a very serious public health and security problem that obstructs the socio-economic development of people, especially youths in the society. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and perception of drug abuse among university students in Warri, Delta State, south-south, Nigeria.

Research Article

Autism diagnostic criteria, symptoms, child diagnosis and evaluation scales

    Autistic children have not withdrawn from reality due to some mental illness, rather they have failed to come out in reality due to a serious, and to a large extent, developmental disorder. As a result, autism is not currently considered psychosis, but is classified as a pervasive developmental disorder. This means that it is classified along with the other developmental difficulties rather than the mental illnesses themselves.

Case Report

A case report of nosocomial myiasis caused by Musca domestica and literature review

    Myiasis disease was defined by Zumpt as a parasitic invasion of the tissues of humans by diptereous larvae. Myiasis agents, affect mainly the uncovered areas of the body. In addition to their medical importance as mechanical vectors of parasitic disease agents’ dipteran true flies can make myiasis in hospital environment called nosocomial myiasis which is rarely reported.

Case Report

Patient’s non-disclosure, can be harmful in the management of magnet foreign body swallowing?

    The ingestion of foreign body is quite common in the daily emergency room practice. The vast majority of patients who visit the emergency room with foreign body ingestion belong to the pediatric age group, the other group of patients have either mental impairment, dementia or psychiatric diseases.

Case Report

Fenestration in proximal internal carotid and dissection: A case with unusual location report and relevant literature review

    Vascular fenestration is a rare congenital variant, in which a segment of vessels divides into two distinct channels, covered by a layer of endothelium. It is usually asymptomatic, but is sometimes accompanied by other structural abnormalities, such as intracerebral vascular aneurysms.

Case Report

Piriformis syndrome caused by rare intramuscular lipoma: A case report

    We present the case of a 73-year-old man with history of back and left sciatic nerve pain, who came to our hospital centre due to perform a lumbar spine MRI. The MRI scan didn’t reveal compression of the left nerve roots by hernia formations, but collaterally showed a well-defined lesion, with MRI characteristics of adipose tissue, localized in the left piriformis muscle, compatible with a lipoma that displaced the ipsilateral sciatic nerve but did not invade it.

Case Report

Unruptured sinus of valsalva aneurysm larger than the heart itself

    A fifty-six year old Caucasian male was referred for a radiological evaluation from the gastroenterologist. The main complaint was a heartburn sensation while lying in the supine position that was not responding to antacids. Furthermore and only recently, the patient noted a pulsatile mass below the sternum that was not increasing in dimensions.

Case Report

Postmenopausal lady with virilization: Diagnosis of a rare steroid cell tumor of the ovary

    64 year old postmenopausal lady presented with features of virilization over last 5 years. Her Total Testosterone level was 22.2 nmol/l (0.52- 2.47 nmol/l) which is very high to be attributed to normal aging. Her past medical history was unremarkable except adequately controlled diabetes mellitus. Her DHEAS level was normal and did not have other hormonal abnormalities.

Short Commentary

3D virtual clipping: A personalized planning and rehearsal tool for off-clamp partial nephrectomy

    Kidney cancer treatments result in a loss of nephron mass. Nephron sparing surgery can reduce such loss through application of on- and off-clamp techniques. The on-clamp technique is widely used but resulting warm ischemia has a negative impact on long-term patient outcomes. The alternative off-clamp technique mitigates negative effects on renal function but is often considered a technique for expert hands in select cases only.

Case Report

Case report of coexistence of two variant anatomy, hypoplastic rostral superior sagittal sinus and hypoplastic right side transverse sinus and internal jugular vein

    The Dural sinuses are venous channels lie between two layers of cranial dura matter, drain cranial venous blood and cerebrospinal fluid to the vascular system via the internal jugular veins. They are multiple and divided to superficial Dural sinuses and deep Dural sinuses, the largess are superior sagittal sinus, inferior sagittal sinus, cavernous sinus, basilar sinus, transverse sinuses and sigmoid sinuses in both sides.

Review Article

Malignant mesothelioma: Cytological features

    A malignant mesothelioma arises from the serosal surface of the pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial cavity. Although rare, with development of diagnostic techniques, the frequency of this tumor has been increasing. Malignant mesothelioma is classified into three types; epithelioid, sarcomatoid, and biphasic.

Case Report

Bronchiectasis in AAAA Syndrome

    Bronchiectasis is a disease hallmarked by abnormal permanent enlargement of large and medium size airways. The clinical presentation could be variable and it exhibits a considerable amount of overlap with other airway disorders. The etiology of bronchiectasis is heterogenous and constitutes of inherited and acquired causes pertaining to airway obstruction or defects in host immunity.

Case Series

Hyperspectral imaging for the assessment and monitoring of lower limb perfusion in vascular patients

    Acute lower-limb ischemia after abdominal aortic surgery is rare but potentially limb- threatening. Thus, prompt diagnosis and management are paramount. Only early identification and rapid correction might prevent ischemia-related complications.

Research Article

Integration of clinical and biological data into the non-invasive diagnostic management of HCC (LIRADS) algorithm: Contribution for LIRADS-4 nodules

    The Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) standardizes the interpretation and reporting of imaging examinations in patients at risk for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). For focal liver nodules LI-RADS assigns categories (LR-1 to 5, LR-M, LR-TIV), which reflect the relative probability of benign or malignant lesion.

Research Article

Laparoscopic right hepatectomy via anterior approach: The experience at a single center

    Right hepatectomy via the anterior approach has been used for hepatocellular carcinoma in many medical centers because of its advantages. However, due to the long operation time and high technical requirements, no standard approach has been suggested for total laparoscopic right hepatectomy.

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A rare cause of GI bleed

    A 67-year-old female with a history of pancreatic cancer with gastric outlet presented with maroon-colored bleeding from the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube for 1 day. On examination, necrotic tissue with surrounding cellulitis was noticed around the PEG tube insertion site, and the internal bumper of the tube was palpated superficially under the skin.

Case Report

Neonatal neuroblastoma in a full term Saudi girl: A case report

    Neuroblastoma is the commonest malignancy during the neonatal period. It may present as an adrenal mass or with localized or metastatic (4s/Ms) disease, which is typically low risk with an excellent prognosis. We report the case of a 2-day-old neonate with neuroblastoma presenting with right suprarenal mass without evidence of metastasis.

Research Article

Significance of laboratory diagnosis in coronavirus disease associated invasive fungal sinusitis from an otolaryngologist perspective: A retrospective study at a tertiary care nodal centre

    Rhino-orbital cerebral mucormycosis is an angioinvasive life threatening fungal infection that presents acutely in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis and immunosuppression. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of various laboratory investigation required for confirmation of coronavirus disease associated invasive fungal sinusitis (CAIFS).

Review Article

Psychological adverse effects of anxiety and stress in treating patients with cancer

    Psychological factors such as chronic stress, anxiety and depression are major risks that could lead to cancer if not promptly treated. These risks could also cause cancer to become more aggressive and hence more resistant to anti-tumor therapy. For these reasons, it’s highly recommended that cancer patients should either have thorough psycological assessment.

Research Article

Introduction of a bio-waste/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite as a new bio-sorbent for the solid-phase extraction of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

    The current study introduces a high-performance green bio-waste nanocomposite made of chicken feet yellow membrane mixed with reduced graphene oxide (CFYM/rGO). The synthesized nanocomposite as a bio-sorbent of an SPE cartridge has been utilized for the extraction and pre-concentration of commonly seen PAHs in some food samples before their HPLC-UV examination.

Case Report

Favorable prognosis after pancreatico-pleural fistula and subsequent fungal empyema

    The diagnosis of pancreatico-pleural fistula is one that requires a high index of clinical suspicion. Furthermore, a subsequent fungal empyema is rare and life-threatening. A 48-year-old male presented with a physical exam, laboratory investigations, and imaging findings that were consistent with pancreatico-pleural fistula (PPF) and fungal empyema.

Case Report

Prevention and treatment of maxillo-mandibular disorders following an interrupted mandibulectomy: The role of guide flange prosthesis

    Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic epithelial tumor without induction of odontogenic ectomesenchyme. Although classified as a benign tumor, ameloblastoma can be very extensive and may involve an invasion of the immediate surrounding structures with a high potential for recurrence.

Case Report

Ectopic cervical thymus: A case report of uncommon neonatal neck mass

    Ectopic thymus is an uncommon abnormality in which there would be a mass in the neck which may be solid or cystic and usually the patient experiences no pain. Consideration of this mass entity in the differential diagnosis is necessary to avoid proceeding to any non-indicated invasive intervention.

Case Report

Hyperextension type tibial plateau fracture: A case report and literature review

    The report presents a case describing a very unusual hyperextension tibial plateau fracture, which is a small collapse of the front articular surface accompanied by injury to the posterior ligament and tendon and popliteal artery. The treatment of this fracture includes implantation of bone materials and anatomical reduction through rigid internal fixation.

Clinical Image

Intra-articular ganglionic cyst of anterior cruciate ligament: A very rare entity

    A 27-year male presented to our orthopaedic department with complaint of pain in left knee joint on long standing or running since three months. The pain increased with deep flexion. There was no history of trauma or any systemic illness. He was advised X-ray of the left knee joint, which turned out to be normal.

Research Article

Application of the method of frequency-resonance analysis of implants installed after autogenous bone transplantation

    Purpose of study determine the timing of prosthtic rehabilitation of patients after autograft and dental implantation of the jaw bone using resonance-frequency method (RFA). The analysis of the treatment of 26 with vertical resorption of the lower jaws, and dental implant prosthetic rehabilitation performed for the period 2017-2021.

Case Report

Efficacy of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) in bone regeneration of dentigerous cystic lesion: A case report

    The purpose of this case report is to illustrate clinically and radiographically the effectiveness of advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) inserted into the bone defect resulting from a periapical cyst enucleation. Periapical or radicular cysts are the most common inflammatory cysts of the jaw. The surgical intervention aims to remove periapical pathology to obtain bone regeneration and healing of periapical tissues.

Case Report

Conservative management of bilateral massive flail chest: A case report

    Massive flail chest is an ultra-rare condition and occurs when a remarkable number of adjacent ribs break in at least two points. This entity is highly associated with underlying pulmonary contusion, which may lead to catastrophic pulmonary complications. Considering the importance of this condition, there are controversial data about definitive management of massive flail chest.

Research Article

The patterns and management outcomes of traumatic thoracic and lumbar spinal cord injuries among patients admitted at Kilimanjaro christian medical centre from 2017 to 2018

    Traumatic thoracic and lumbar spinal cord injury (TTLSCI) is one of the common musculoskeletal injuries which predisposes someone to a devastating disability, also associated with several life threatening complications and also pauses a huge financial burden to the society and the healthcare system.

Research Article

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in referrals of patients with cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, neurological and neurosurgical diseases to hospital

    A novel virus from the coronavirus family, known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified in December 2019 in China. In addition to morbidity and mortality, the virus had many indirect effects on the referral and treatment of other diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases.

Review Article

The effectiveness of game-based education on dental and oral health behavior: Systematic review

    The skill of brushing teeth has a significant role in preventing dental caries. To improve teeth brushing skills. Health education is needed for children from an early age. Educational media determine the effectiveness of children’s learning. So there needs to be treated using android-based educational game media to attract students’ attention to learning.

Case Report

Metastatic prostate carcinoma: A case report on a Brca2 mutated young patient

    Prostatic adenocarcinoma is one of the most frequent malignancy amongst men, majority patients with advanced disease end up developing bone metastases. One of the factors linked to such condition is the genectic variability of cancer types, the most aggressive of them are derived from a series of mutations in tumor suppressor genes.

Case Report

Retreatment in removable partial dentures: A procedure of repairing teeth abutment under an existing framework : A case report

    Retreatment in removable partial dentures may concern supporting tissues as well as the existing prosthesis itself. Concerning supporting tissues, Tooth fractures due to traumatisms and caries are the most common situations praticians faced, in addition to mucosal tissues’ alteration and periodontal diseases.

Case Report

Bilateral superficial optic disc drusen: A case report and literature review

    We herein report a relatively rare case of bilateral superficial optic disc drusen in 50-year-old woman who complained of binocular visual field defects. She did not have any loss of vision, photophobia, tears, ophthalmodynia, headache, or other symptoms of discomfort. At the first visit, the direct ophthalmoscopy appears an optic disc elevated having a nodular appearance and blurred optic disc margins.

Clinical Image

Infected multilocular renal cyst and its challenging approach

    Renal cysts are relatively common, increasing in prevalence with age. They are usually benign and asymptomatic, with their diagnosis being incidental on imaging exams. In some cases, however, they can reach large dimensions, leading to symptoms and/or complications.

Case Report

Prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implant and fixed prosthesis for Apert syndrome patient: A case report

    Apert syndrome is characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis), cone shaped calvarium, midface hypoplasia, ocular manifestations and symmetric syndactyly of hands and feet. This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face with class III malocclusion.

Short Report

Simple solution to diagnostic lens fogging during the COVID-19

    Lens fogging is commonly noted in vitreoretinal [1], robotic, laparoscopic surgery or endoscopy, and in the clinic using auto kerato-refractometer, subjective refraction, ophthalmoscopy or laser (indirect and slit lamp) as well as during visual field testing.

Short Report

Unusual myositis ossificans

    We report the case of a 9-year-old girl who presented to the emergency unit with general asthenia, myalgia, and difficulty to walk and stand evolving from 1 month. The diagnosis of myositis ossificans was ultimately made on clinical and conventional radiography finding.

Case Report

Pigmented seborrheic keratosis: The importance of histopathological evaluation distinguishing from melanoma

    Seborrheic keratosis is a common benign epidermal tumor of the skin. Pigmented seborrheic keratosis is a relatively rare variant of the entity. Here it has been reported a rapidly growing cutaneous hairy hemorrhagic lesion exhibiting discoloration including pinkish, light and dark brownish, black areas with irregular border in an adult man.

Review Article

Overview on the updates in vesicular molar pregnancy

    Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is one of the rare human tumors that originates in placental tissue and can be cured even with extensive metastases. GTDs include a variety of interrelated tumors, including full and partial moles, invasive moles, choriocarcinomas, and placental trophoblast tumors, which have different tendencies to infiltrate and spread locally.

Short Report

Pseudo cholecystitis as a first impression of pericardial effusion

    A 70-year-old man, with no past medical history, was admitted to the emergency department (ED) with right upper quadrant (RUQ) abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting for a week. He denied fever, altered bowel movements, or urinary tract symptoms. On observation, he was afebrile, normotensive, tachycardic and eupneic with oxygen saturation of 99% on room air.

Short Commentary

Guidelines to starting a cosmetic surgery practice

    Cosmetic surgery includes operations and all other invasive medical procedures where the primary aim is the change, the restoration, normalisation or improvement of the appearance, the function and wellbeing at the request of an individual. Plastic surgery trainees have to build requisite skills by seeking additional training and qualifications.

Research Article

Screening of hub-genes, key pathways, and targeted medications in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma using bioinformatics analysis

    For Identifying the hub-genes and targeted medications for regulating laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). Differently expressed mRNAs (DEMs) in LSCC were acquired from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) by GEO2R. Also, the hub-genes of LSCC were calculated with cyto Hubba and validated by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA).

Case Report

Peritoneal dialysate leak mistaken as Fournier’s gangrene

    A 47-year-old man presented with an erythematous, edematous, and tender scrotum occurred after prolonged car driving. The patient had a history of end-stage renal disease and was being treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD) for 3 years. After admission with an initial diagnosis of scrotal cellulitis, pelvic non-contrast computed tomography revealed a right-sided hydrocele and a small left-sided inguinal hernia.

Clinical Image

A rare case of left pulmonary artery originating from the ascending aorta revealed by desaturation in young patient with COVID-19 infection

    A 28 year old male, with no significant past medical history, was admitted to Emergency Department (ED) for worsening shortness of breath and chest pain. A week prior to his admission, he had tested positive for covid-19, using the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.

Case Report

Systemic thrombolysis with tenecteplase for STEMI complicating a SARS-COV2 pneumonia

    Corona virus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV2), has been known to cause many complications: respiratory illnesses, acute kidney injury, coagulopathy which can lead to multi organ dysfunction.

Short Report

An endocrine cause of visual loss

    A 48-year-old male presented with bilaterally painful protruding eyes and reducing vision over last few weeks. On examination there was proptosis, lid retraction, chemosis and exposure keratopathy. Visual acuity was reduced to finger counting in both eyes. Biochemically he was hyperthyroid.

Research Article

Polycystic ovary syndrome: Strategies of treatments

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), also known as hyperandrogenic anovulation, is a common endocrine system disorder among women in their reproductive age. It is characterized by a group of symptoms such as small cyst on ovaries, hyperandrogenism, irregular menstruation.

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